Calculus I :: Lab 04


Go to and enter the code given in class. Your work saves automatically. Complete the following (there are corresponding slides for each problem):

Problem 0

Enter in your name, I need to know who to give the grades to.

Problem 1

Let \(f(x) = 3x^2-6x+2\), and \(a \in [-1,3]\).

  1. Graph the function \(f(x)\).
  2. Graph the point \((a,f(a))\).
  3. Graph the line tangent to the graph of \(f(x)\) at \(x=a\).

Problem 2

Repeat problem 1 for \(g(x) = x^5-4x^2+3\), and \(a \in [-3/2,3/2]\).

Problem 3

Let \(k(x) = -(x-3)^2+9\) and \(a \in [-1,7]\).

  1. Graph \(k(x)\).
  2. Graph the points \(P = (a,k(a))\) and \(Q = (a+h,k(a+h))\).
  3. Graph the secant line through the points \(P\) and \(Q\).
  4. Take \(h \to 0\) from both sides.

Author: Ryan Jensen (

Modified: 2020-06-01 Mon 14:59

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