Math 234-Calculus II Summer 2020

Lab 9

1 Directions

This lab requires that you have read section 10.7.

Go to and type in this lab's code: RR8 2Z9. If you are having difficulty with this lab, post a question in the discussion area below. If you answer a question, give guidance, but not the entire solution.

1.1 Problem 0

Enter your name and SFA email, I need to know who to give the grades to.

1.2 Problem 1

  1. Define a slider for \(N \in ([0,100] \cap \mathbb{Z})\).
  2. Define a function \(S(x)\) to be the \(N\)-th partial sum of the Taylor Series expansion of \(\sin(x)\).
  3. Define a function \(C(x)\) to be the \(N\)-th partial sum of the Taylor Series expansion of \(\cos(x)\).
  4. Graph \(\sin(x)\) and \(\cos(x)\) as dashed lines, and \(S(x)\) and \(C(x)\) as solid lines. Move the slider for \(N\) and notice how quickly the approximations converge.
  5. Evaluate \(S(1.1)\) and \(\sin(1.1)\). For what \(N\) is the approximation \(S(1.1)\) equal to \(\sin(1.1)\) for as many digits as desmos is able to show?

1.3 Problem 2

  1. Define a slider for \(M \in ([0,100] \cap \mathbb{Z})\).
  2. Define a function \(L(x)\) as the \(M\)-th partial sum of the Taylor Series expansion of \(\ln(x+1)\).
  3. As you did in Problem 1, can you approximate \(\ln(2)\) in desmos?
  4. What is the difference between the approximations in Problem 1 and Problem 2?

2 Solutions

3 Discussion

Author: Ryan Jensen (

Modified: 2020-08-10 Mon 17:15

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