Math 234-Calculus II Summer 2020

Lab 10

1 Directions

This lab requires that you have read up to section 11.4.

Go to and type in this lab's code: G73 H5M. If you are having difficulty with this lab, post a question in the discussion area below. If you answer a question, give guidance, but not the entire solution.

1.1 Problem 0

Enter your name and SFA email, I need to know who to give the grades to.

1.2 Problem 1

  1. Define sliders for \(C_x,C_y,R_x,R_y \in [-10,10]\).
  2. Define the parametric functions \(X(t) = C_x + R_x\cos(t)\) and \(Y(t) = C_y +R_y\sin(t)\).
  3. Plot the parameterization \((X(t),Y(t))\)for \(t \in [0,2\pi]\).
  4. What is the graph of this parameterization, and what do the values \(C_x,C_y,R_x,R_y\) do?

1.3 Problem 2

Find the arc length using desmos of the parameterization given in Problem 1 (use formulas given in the book or lecture, not approximations using partitions).

1.4 Problem 3

Find the surface area formed by rotating the parameterization given in Problem 1 about the \(x\)-axis (this will only work if you graph is completely above the \(x\)-axis remember).

1.5 Problem 4

Graph \(r = 4\sin(5\theta)\) and find the area of one of the petals.

2 Solutions

3 Discussion

Author: Ryan Jensen (

Modified: 2020-08-10 Mon 17:16

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