Project Ideas

1 Project Ideas

Taxicab Project
Investigate the taxicab metric in more detail, see Section 3.2.
Image Creation
Draw digital images for use in the notes.
Euclidean Constructions
Use a software package to construct proofs. Some geometry software:
Regular Polygons and Tiling
Investigate tilings of the plane, see Section 4.4. See also the wikipages (more involved projects):
Investigate fractals, see the end of Section 4.6.
Area and Volume
Investigate area and volume, from Euclid's point of view, see Section 4.6.
Lecture Notes
Create lecture notes for high school geometry, see Appendix B.
We extend the reals to get complex numbers. We extend the complex numbers to get the quaternions, we extend the quaternions to get the octonians. This project is to investigate the quaternions. See
Geometric times tables
Investigate/create something like
Toothpick patterns
A project about toothpicks. See and
Turtle graphics
Use a programming language to make some nice pictures. Google "logo programming" or "turtle graphics". See
Turtle Polynomials
Related to turtle graphics, but solve polynomials. See
L Systems
Similar to turtle graphics, useful in modeling biological systems. See
If you have another idea, then talk with me.

Author: Ryan Jensen (

Modified: 2020-06-01 Mon 14:59

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