Syllabus :: Math 142 Precalculus B
1 Course Information
1.1 Professor Information
- Dr. Ryan Jensen
- Mathematics Department
- Email:
- Website:
- Course Website:
- Office: 320 Mathematics Building
- Office Phone: (936)-468-1636
- Office Hours:
- MTWRF 9:00-10:00 in Math 320 (temporarily only on Zoom)
- Course Meeting Time and Place
- TR 12:30-1:45 in Math 210 (Section 4)
- TR 2:00-3:15 in Math 210 (Section 5)
1.2 Course Description
2 semester hours. Preparatory for the calculus sequence: properties and graphs of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric (with inverses); fundamental trigonometric identities, conic sections, polar and rectangular coordinate systems. Prerequisites: See General Course prerequisites.
1.3 Text and Materials
The required textbook for this course is Precalculus: A Prelude to Calculus, 3rd ed, Loose-leaf Print by Axler (Access to WileyPlus is not required, but the combo pack may be cheaper than just the textbook). You may use a non-graphing non-programmable calculator.
1.4 Course Calendar
Please note that the dates for our in-class exams below are subject to change. The final is university scheduled and cannot be taken at a different time without permission of the Dean of the College of Sciences and Mathematics. A more complete schedule can be found on the course website.
Exam | Date |
Exam 1 | Tuesday Feb. 11 |
Exam 2 | Tuesday Mar. 17 |
Exam 3 | Tuesday Apr. 14 |
Exam 4 | Tuesday Apr. 28 |
Final §4 | 10:45-1:15 Thursday May 7 |
Final §5 | 1:30-4:00 Tuesday May 5 |
1.5 Course Requirements
1.5.1 Class Attendance and Participation
Students are expected to attend all class meetings, arriving on time. If you are absent, you are responsible for determining what you missed and for being prepared for class when you return.
A graduate student will hold weekly review sessions at the following times: 1:00 Monday, 4:00 Monday, 3:00 Tuesday, 4:00 Tuesday (tentative, I'll let you know if they change). You are required to attend one of these review sessions per week for a total of eight weeks during the semester, you may choose which weeks and which times to attend. In addition, a graduate student will hold drop in hours at the following times: 1:00-3:00 Wednesday, 3:00-5:00 Thursday (again tentative). You are not required to attend these, but please do if you need extra help.
1.5.2 Preparing for Class
Students which are adequately prepared for the class should expect to spend a minimum of three hours of work outside of class for each credit hour. This is 6 hours per week for Math 141 (the federal definition of a credit hour requires two hours outside of class, I expect three, see below). The time out of class can be used in reading the text, practicing examples, working homework exercises, etc. A minimal time commitment is likely to lead to a final grade of a C. More time may be required to achieve excellence. Material to be discussed in class should be read before coming to class. Check your university email and the course website regularly, as I may send reminders, assignments, or announcements.
1.5.3 Quizzes
We will have in class pop-quizzes, mostly over assigned reading.
1.5.4 Worksheets
There will be some in class worksheets, usually done weekly as group work.
1.5.5 Homework
Homework will be assigned and in class, and will be collect the following Tuesday.
1.5.6 In-class exams
If a student must miss an exam due to an excused absence, special arrangements should be made in advance. Cell phones and graphing calculators are not allowed out during exams, even if that is all that is brought. Students are responsible for bringing their own scientific calculator to exams. No music (even through headphones) is allowed during exams.
1.5.7 A Comprehensive Final Exam
The final exam is in our regular classroom, it is comprehensive.
1.6 Grading
1.6.1 Grading Policy
Category | Weight |
Quizzes | 5% |
Worksheets | 10% |
Homework | 15% |
Exam 1 | 10% |
Exam 2 | 10% |
Exam 3 | 10% |
Exam 4 | 10% |
Final Exam | 30% |
1.6.2 Grading Scale
Letter Grade | Percentage |
A | 90%-100% |
B | 80%-90% |
C | 70%-80% |
D | 60%-70% |
F | 0%-60% |
1.7 Other Information
The following is an exerpt from SFA Policy 5.4:
The federal definition of a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:
- Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or 10 to 12 weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time, or;
- At least an equivalent amount of work as outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.
To this end, all students in courses offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics that wish to be successful should plan to spend a minimum of two hours outside of class for every credit hour associated with this course. Expected activities to be completed in the time outside of class include reviewing notes from previous class meetings, reading assigned course resources, completing all assigned exercises and projects, and performing periodic assessment preparation.
See for elements common to all sections.
Due to the outbreak of the Corona virus, several changes have been made (and may continue to be made) to how this course is run. The guiding principles for these changes are:
- make everything accessible to as many as possible;
- keep things simple;
- maintain the integrity of the course;
- stay on schedule as much as possible.
The changes are as follows:
1.8.1 Office Hours
I will continue to hold office hours at the regular time, except via Zoom. To attend Zoom office hours, follow the link:
1.8.2 Lectures
Lectures will held at 12:30 (this is for both sections), and will be broadcast via Zoom. These lectures will be recorded and links to the recordings will be posted on the course website so that students may access them anytime. You are not required to participate in the live lectures. However, it is suggested that, where possible, you view the recorded lectures. To attend the live Zoom lectures follow the link:
Because we won't be physically meeting, at is paramount that you read the textbook and do the homework.
1.8.3 Homework
Homework will continue to be assigned on the course website as normal. The only difference is that instead of submitting your homework to be graded, you will give yourself a grade on the homework (probably via D2L).
1.8.4 Quizzes
The recitation quizzes will not be required during the time we hold online classes. At the end of the semester the number of quizzes to be turned in will be re-evaluated (it is possible that this number will be 0).
1.8.5 Exams
Any exams given during the online portion of this course will be take home exams, and will be open book/open note. The take home exams will be posted on the course website, and you will have one week to complete each take home exam. The exams will be turned in via D2L.
To be clear, here is a list of recourse you may use on take home exams:
- your own self;
- your own non-programmable, non-graphing calculator;
- your own writing utensils and scratch paper;
- your own notes;
- your own textbook.
And here is a list of recourses you may not use:
- the Internet;
- another person;
- another person's notes;
- anything not on the approved list.
These exams will be "on your honor", and you will be trusted to not cheat.
Exam 3 and Exam 4 will be combined into one exam.